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What is polyurethane impact pads?
Polyurethane impact pads are widely used on equipment. Durable polyurethane increases the lifespan of equipment by protecting it from impacting.
PEPSEN application specified very abrasion resistant polyurethane formulation can assure durable product, long service life and reduce downtime.
What are advantages of polyurethane impact pads?
Can be customized molded
Can be formulated according to application.
Can be solid polyurethane or bonded to metal parts
Wear and tear resistance.
Impact and shock absorption.
Minimize downtime and increase margins
Let our parts take the wear and tear so you can minimize downtown and increase profits.
Shore 5A-98A-75D polyurethane are available
Customized dimensions and shape
Worling temperature from -40 to 150°C
Wide range of colors
Weather resistance, urethane for outdoor application