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Economical & Innovative Polyurethane Solutions

Polyurethane Wheels

Urethane Friction Wheel For Small GEO PalletShanghai Pepsen manufactures custom polyurethane friction wheel for small GEO pallet as per customer requirements such as hardness, drawing or sample. Hardness is normally Shore50A-98A-80D, but can vary as well as color.


What is urethane friction wheel for small GEO pallet?

Geo Pallet Conveyor system is similar to skid conveyor, but require much more precise tooling.

Geo Pallet is widely used in body shops where robotic tooling tolerances are very precise. Short stroke lift tables lower the pallet to fore/aft and side-to-side locations that are set to the tooling stations. The benefits of using urethane friction wheel on geo pallet conveyor are: the ability to keep all the tooling on the skid with the product, the skids are much more precise allowing for much higher degree of robotic precision, the product is typically clamped to the skid keeping it from being able to move around while it moves through the system.


What are advantages of urethane friction wheel for small GEO?

Abrasion resistance

Impact resistance

Idea for the most difficult wear applications

Cut and tear resistance

Oil resistance,

Superior bonding strength


Why you choose PEPSEN to make urethane friction wheel?

Many tools in stock, little tooling cost

Application specific formulations that meet needs for tough working conditions.

Hardness ranging from Shore 5A to 98A to 80D.

Ester or Ether based

Over 30 stocked color options and customized colors available.

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Urethane Friction Wheel For Small GEO Pallet
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